
One Sunny Day

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One Sunny Day

The sun shone brightly and the birds sang out as Tom Chenton went out to get his morning paper. Breathing in deeply the fresh air filled his lungs as the cool breeze did its work to wake him up. It looked like it was going to be another lovely ordinary day. That being said; looks can be deceiving.
He had just finished writing the hardest article he'd ever written in all his six years as an investigative reporter. He had spent months undercover inside a company, gaining research, hiding from security. Tom came from a poor family. Growing up on the streets had always taught him how to act fast on his feet. As he bent down to pick up the paper, he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.
It was the sound that first clued Tom in to something being amiss. At first it sounded like thunder off in the distance, but it didn't reside. Instead, it continuously grew louder as if it were getting closer. Finally when it sounded as if it were right on top of him, there was a bright flash of light.
Tom whipped around just in time to see four burly men; two of whom proceeded to tackle him to the ground.
"Careful men!" the one who appeared to be in charge shouted. "You don't want to end up like the others now do you?"
"What's going on?" Tom shouted, scared and confused. "Who are you?"
His face to the ground, Tom could not see much of what was happening behind.
"We have good news for you, Chenton." The man on top of him jeered. "From this day forward you will never have to worry about the struggles of life ever again."
Tom heard a high pitched ringing sound of something charging. Although he did not know why, something inside him snapped at this sound causing him to panic. With strength he never knew he had, he jumped off the ground shouting "NO!" The two men on top of him tumbled off his back into their comrades as Tom ran away as fast as he could.
He didn't know where he was going or what he was about to do. All he knew was that he had to get out of there.
As he dove into a dark alleyway, the sound of shouting alerted him that the men were not too far behind. He had no idea how long he had been running now, but dark clouds had begun to come in and he could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. "At least it will be easier to hide," Tom thought to himself as he slowly backed up into the alleyway.
He had taken no more than three steps back, when he tripped over something hard on the ground.
"What on earth was that?" Tom wondered as he rubbed his sore head. Reaching underneath him he pulled out a medium sized wooden box on top of which was written, "Open me Tom Chenton"
Taken aback by this find, Tom found himself almost instinctively opening the small box. Inside the box there sat a strange watch with dials on the side and a large red button on the front. The watch screen was lit and told the date, time, and location. The watch, however, was horribly off, saying the date was June 9 1865 and that he was in Staplehurst England. Beside the watch there was a note which read, "When paths do end, for your life defend, push the button go where I send."
"Great, riddles now?" Tom thought to himself as he looked at the strange watch.
Something didn't look right about the futuristic looking watch but curiosity and desperation were getting the better of him. With nowhere to run, and the sound of the men just outside the alleyway, Tom found himself pushing the big red button.
A sound like thunder cracking shook Tom's very being. He stared in amazement as a large portal of swirling clouds and lightning appeared before him like a whirlpool twisting the fabric of reality itself.
"There is NO way I'm going in that thing," Tom thought to himself, but this moment of common sense was short lived as he soon heard the voices of his pursuers close behind him.
"He has the watch! Repeat he has the watch!" the leader shouted. "Shoot to kill before it's too late!"
"No choice now." Tom thought to himself, as he dove into the portal.
Tom screamed as he fell through a stormy vortex. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt in his life. It was like falling but being shot up into the air at the same time. It was painful and frightening, yet at the same time, exciting and exhilarating! Tom tumbled for what felt like ages before at last he saw what looked like a light at the end of his tunnel.
"Where am I?" Tom asked wearily as he opened his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the light he was startled to find that he was anywhere but the dark alleyway he had just been in.
He now stood on railway tracks on a bridge. Below him there was a mighty river. In front of him there stood power lines and forestry. Something was amiss however. The bridge and the power lines, they were all old. Very old! And yet they looked brand new!
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON??"  Tom cried out. One minute he had been smelling the fresh air, getting ready to send in his article for the New Times Sun, and the next he was being chased by men he'd never seen before in his life.
His thoughts were interrupted as a sound like distant thunder caught his ears. A bright flash of light appeared as the portal reopened. As Tom braced himself for what was about to come at him, he was surprised to see only three men emerge.
"You can't escape us," the leader sneered. "You've got nowhere to run, no idea how to use what you now hold, and the three of us to deal with. We will get the blood we seek."
"Listen," Tom exclaimed mustering up what courage he could, "I don't know who you are, but I do know you aren't armed. And if you think that I'm going to let you take me without a fight then you've got..."
A train whistle in the distance interrupted Tom, and, within moments, a steam locomotive came in sight charging down towards them. Without a word or so much as a second glance the leader raised his wrist, on which sat a watch much like the one Tom had. After pushing some buttons a large green beam shot out destroying the train tracks some distance from where they stood. The sound of screeching brakes and screaming passengers were heard as the entire train tumbled off of the bridge into the lake. Only three passenger cars remained on the tracks.
"Don't you see there's no hope for you?" The leader asked with a superior smile.
Tom was furious. Three men had just risked the lives of hundreds right before his eyes just to make a point. Looking down at his complicated watch he replied, "I may not have a chance... but at least now I have an idea!" Pushing buttons and turning dials, Tom tried desperately to get the laser to fire.
The three men began to laugh as the leader spoke up. "Do you want to shoot us little man? Well then go ahead. Let's see if your inferior little brain can figure out a device as complicated as a time watch."
The men stopped laughing when they heard the familiar rumbling sound. Turning around, Tom saw the familiar stormy vortex of the time portal.
"Don't just stand there men! Get him before he leaves!" the leader shouted.
"Well, it's not what I was looking for, but it will have to do," Tom muttered to himself. Leaning backwards he watched as the men, the train wreck, and the entire scene before him disappeared like a rock sinking in the water. When he opened his eyes again, he found a much different scene lay before him.
He now stood in the middle of a tropical jungle. The air was hot and unbearably humid, and there were sounds of creatures he had never heard of before.
"Okay, I have probably half a minute," Tom said to himself as he strapped his watch on his wrist. "I should take that time to figure out how this thing works." He was about to begin experimenting with the dials when a deep growl was heard behind him.
Turning around slowly, Tom found himself staring at a T Rex only a short distance away.
"I really hope scientists were right about those things being scavengers," Tom thought to himself as the great behemoth sized him up. But despite whatever scientific proof he may have read of, the dinosaur's approach told him they were wrong.
"This would be a good time for you to start working!" Tom cried to the watch as he began pushing everything he could. Meanwhile the T Rex's pace towards him quickened into a run.
"Please work for me! Please!" Tom began to yell but still the watch remained silent as the T Rex came ever closer.
At last, the T Rex was right on top of him. Jaws open and ready to take a mouthful. "Oh come on you hunk of..." Tom hadn't finished his sentence before a green beam of light shot out of the watch leaving half a fried T Rex standing above him.
"Whoa." Was all Tom could say as the charred remains fell to the ground. No sooner had he begun to relax then the sound of thunder was heard again; but this time, he was ready for them.
"Your ranks seem to be thinning," Tom exclaimed as two men exited the portal.
"It doesn't matter," the leader muttered, "We are highly trained soldiers from the 46th century. It would take only one of us to take down a primitive creature like you."
"If I'm such a small threat," Tom called out, "then why are you trying so hard to kill me? What have I ever done to you?"
"We... have our orders," the leader replied reluctantly. "Our reasons are no concern of yours. It's time we ended this so we can head back to Anguilla for a hero's welcome. Please don't run away this time. It's just prolonging the inevitable."
"Oh, I am done running," Tom replied as his fingers reached for his watch. The man to the right of the leader took two steps towards Tom but before he could begin to aim his watch, a bright green beam shot from Tom's killing him instantly.
The leader stood, stunned. Tom took this opportunity and ran forward tackling him to the ground. Holding his watch a few inches away from the leader's face, Tom removed the leader's watch from his wrist and put in into his pocket.
"Now then," Tom growled making sure his aim never faltered. "I am getting tired of being chased around for no reason. I'm tired of always running, and I'm going to go to Anguilla in the 46th century, and I am going to make sure you never have the power to chase me in the first place. But before I go, you're going to teach me everything you know about these watches unless you want to end up like your charcoal friend there."
"Today is a glorious day for Cantroni Industries!" a speaker shouted from his podium to his army. "Fourteen years ago, by sheer coincidence and chance, a lab explosion created the world's first ever time watch! A device capable of transporting the holder through space and time. Years I spent studying this strange enigma until at last I learnt its secrets. Today, I stand before you as the leader of the first ever time traveling army! It is time my soldiers. Time we were to claim what was rightfully ours! With our advanced technology and knowledge of what will happen, we will ensure that we and we alone will rule this world under the guidance of I! Albert Cantroni!"
The army cheered for their moment was at hand. Taken up with the thrill of the moment, Cantroni shouted, "Tell me my comrades! Who can stop us?"
It was then that there was a clap of thunder and flash of light. Before the army there stood; of all things, a dinosaur, on the back of which there sat a man, Tom Chenton to be exact. In a threatening voice, Tom called out, "I can."
Chaos spread throughout the hall as the unexpecting army was assaulted by the strange visitor on the prehistoric beast. By this point, Tom had jumped off his new found pet and was satisfied zapping anything and everything. Fire began to spread throughout the hall as important wires and tanks were shot out by the green laser beams. It wasn't long before Tom found himself standing before Cantroni in a raging inferno.
"Who are you?" Cantroni shouted angrily. "What do you want with me?"
"Tom Chenton," Tom replied in a serious tone. "I just want to let you know that 21st century man or not, I can stand up to you and it's best you just leave me alone!"
"Oh, I believe quite the opposite young Tom," Cantroni jeered as he signalled to someone behind Tom.
Instantly four men who Tom thought looked identical to the men who had been chasing him walked up to Cantroni. "No!" Tom thought to himself, they were identical! Tom now realized his mistake. He had come too early in the future!
"Tom Chenton! 21st Century!"  Cantroni ordered. "Make sure he doesn't live long enough to do this!"
Tom stared in disbelief as the four men ran into a portal and disappeared. He was the reason for all he had been through. The pursuit he had come to stop he had just commenced. Feeling the spare time watch he had in his pocket, Tom knew what he needed to do.
"Well what now kid?" Cantroni smiled though Tom's watch was still aimed at his throat. "Go ahead, Kill me. In a few more minutes you'll have never lived long enough to be here."
Cantroni winced as Tom pressed a button on the watch but the laser beam never came. When he heard a crack like thunder he opened his eyes and was surprised to see Tom was no longer there.
"Fate is a funny thing," Tom thought to himself as he emerged from his portal into an alleyway. "It seems no matter how hard you try to change your past, it just ends up the way you left it."
Tom rummaged through a dumpster until he had found a small wooden box and a blank sheet of paper. "Even still," Tom thought to himself as he scribbled a quick note on the sheet of paper. "That doesn't mean you should stop trying to fight it."
The sound of voices and the sight of dark clouds rolling in alerted Tom that there wasn't much time left. Quickly setting the watch he had taken from the leader of the soldiers and placing it in the box he placed the box on the ground and set his own watch for several minutes later.
Exiting through the portal, he reappeared to find himself standing behind the four soldiers.
"Where did he go?" the one soldier asked. "Where did he get that time watch from anyways?"
"Don't worry men," the leader exclaimed as he began to fiddle with his own watch. "If it's one of our watches we can track him soon enough."
"Don't bother," Tom exclaimed. "If you want me; come and get me!"
Tom gave the soldiers no time to react. Jumping towards them, he shot a beam towards the group frying one of the men instantly.
"JERRY! NO!!" One of the soldiers shouted. "YOU KILLED JERRY YOU MONSTER!"
The soldier turned to Tom as he lined up for the second shot. Tom was about to fire when suddenly a warning message appeared.
"Laser charge depleted. Return to charge source immediately," the watch alerted.
"No! Not now!" Tom cried. He looked for something to deal with the others but alas it was too late.
"I've got him!" The leader called out as the portal opened. "Leave the primitive. We'll have our vengeance soon enough."
"No!" Tom shouted as he chased after them, but it was too late. The portal had closed. "Well at least I know where they're headed." he muttered as he set his watch, ever thankful that the transport worked on a separate power source from the weapons. As he exited the portal, he saw the familiar sight of the train wreck. Men worked tirelessly to drag wounded from the broken cars. Even a well dressed balding man with a long thin beard was working to help those poorer than himself.
A little ahead of the tracks Tom could see the three soldiers already headed into the portal. As one of the men glanced back he caught sight of Tom.
"You!" the man shouted staggering in Tom's direction
"Leave him." The leader called back.
"But he killed Jerry!" the man cried out, clearly shaken.
"We'll be getting him soon enough!" the leader laughed. "And then Jerry and all the others will be back and waiting for us."
The soldier, however, was determined to have his blood. "You go ahead," He growled. "I'll follow shortly. This will be quick, but I'll enjoy it!"
As the two soldiers left through the portal the remaining sneered, "After all... you have no more charges left."
Tom's mind raced to think of what he could do. The soldier was right; he had no laser charges left and little else to fight with. As he looked up into the sky inspiration struck. It was a desperate chance... but then again... he was desperate.
Mustering up the last of his courage, he replied in a calm voice, "You're right about one thing. I have no laser charges left. But unarmed? Well, I'm anything but that!"
The soldier stopped as he heard this. Nervous about what tricks Tom might have up his sleeve. Fiddling with his watch, Tom continued, "Do you know what one of the largest problems scientists have to face when sending a rocket into space? It's not the heat, or the fuel. In fact... it's little scraps of space junk like pebbles and screws."
A raised eyebrow from the soldier led Tom to believe he wasn't buying it. With a lack of better ideas though, he continued, "One screw floating in orbit travels with enough velocity to ram a hole through solid steel. Which leads me to ask; if a portal were to open between here and space, what might a piece of space junk do to you?"
The soldier stopped again as Tom held his wrist aimed at him; his finger held over the button. The soldier stared intently at Tom as if trying to read his mind.
"You're lying!" he replied though his face still looked unsure. "Even if the portals could work both ways, there's no way you'd know exactly where to open the portal to catch a piece of space junk. This is all just a way to distract me from the fact that you've got nothing!" With that, the soldier charged at Tom, who with nothing else to do; closed his eyes and activated the portal.
A sound like no other came as the portal's thunder mixed with vacuum of space. Tom kept the portal open until he heard what sounded like a yelp followed by an earth shattering crash. When Tom opened his eyes he realized that he had not been able to catch a piece of space junk. Instead there sat a full sized meteor, the soldier, most likely beneath it.
"Is that it?" Tom asked hopefully, "Is it finally over?"
His hopes were cut short by the sound of thunder from behind him and a voice exclaiming. "No Tom. The war never ends."
Tom turned around to see Albert Cantroni standing before him with his army; alert, ready, and looking for blood.
"Don't you see kid?" Cantroni jeered, "No matter where you go, no matter when you go, no matter how many of my soldiers you beat; I will find you! There is no way you can stop me!"
Tom looked at the vast army before him. It was massive! Even if he had a fully charged laser he would scarcely been able to stop five of them before he died. It looked hopeless until he looked down at his watch. "Maybe I can't keep you from attacking me now..." Tom replied in a low voice, "but I can keep you from ever inventing these stupid watches in the first place!"
For the first time Tom saw panic sweep across Cantroni's face.
"N-no!" he stammered. "You wouldn't!"
"What did you say it was?" Tom asked setting his watch. "Fourteen years before I first met you that you discovered time travel? And that it took you those full fourteen years to learn how to repeat the process?"
"Don't do it!" Cantroni shouted beginning to move towards Tom.
"Now what would have happened if someone came in and broke that first prototype?" Tom pondered. "None of your army could exist!"
"STOP!" Cantroni yelled as Tom opened up the portal.
"Goodbye," Tom replied, looking back towards Cantroni. "Whatever happens to you after I do this; I hope you come out a better person."
With that parting remark, Tom ran into the portal, Cantroni diving after him. It was a rough ride through the vortex with Cantroni trying to wrestle him, but eventually Tom managed to kick him off into the vortex before reaching the end.
Tom tumbled out of the portal and found himself standing in a dark lab. By a table at the other end of the lab stood a startled, much younger Albert Cantroni, beside a strange glowing device.
"Wh-who are you?" the young Albert cried out.
"Is that your time travel prototype?" Tom shouted ignoring the question and pointing to the glowing object on the table.
"Yes!" Albert exclaimed dumbfounded. "But how do you know about that?"
"There's no time to explain!" Tom shouted. "Quick! We need to destroy it! Innocent lives depend on it!"
"But the scientific possibilities!" Albert cried out.
The sound of thunder approaching caught Tom's ear and he knew his time was up.
Jumping on top of the table, he ran towards the glowing object just as the portal appeared.
"Get out of here!" Tom cried out. Still unsure of what was going on, young Albert fled the room.
No sooner had young Albert Cantroni left than the older Albert Cantroni entered. The time for niceties had passed. Without a word he aimed his watch at Tom and fired a laser beam. Tom tackled the glowing device just as the Laser hit him.
Tom wanted to cry out as he felt the laser pierce his body but found the sound wouldn't come to his lips. The pain was unbearable, like nothing he had ever felt before, yet it was somewhat relieving to know it was finally all over.
Cantroni walked up to the dying Tom Chenton who grew paler at every moment. Through heavy eyelids, Tom looked down at his bloodied hands and then smiled. Weakly, he raised his scorched arms to reveal a dull device with a hole burnt through the center.
"You lose." Tom managed to cough out; and then the world went white.
The sun shone brightly and the birds sang out as Tom Chenton went out to get his morning paper. Breathing in deeply the fresh air filled his lungs as the cool breeze did its work to wake him up. It looked like it was going to be another lovely ordinary day.
This is a short story I wrote for my final creative writing project. It turned out fairly well but tell me what you all think of it!
© 2011 - 2024 The-Macattack
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